請問 老歌 Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
2013-11-25 18:16:21 補充
不好意思 請問影片中 可以加上字幕嗎?
2013-11-26 10:55:00 補充
有 唱歌 又有字幕的版本嗎?
沒有聲音 也還是不太會唱
- 發問者自選
原唱Frankie Valli在歌唱節目的演唱影音版本..
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay..
是 Frankie Valli(The Four Seasons合唱團主唱,Sherry、Big Girl Don't Cry、Stay、Why Do Fool Fall In Love...)最暢銷的單曲之一,該曲曾經獲得1967年這首歌獲得Billboard熱門單曲亞軍.
反倒是在1978年"越戰獵鹿人"(The Deer Hunter)收錄在其電影原聲帶以後,似乎每隔一段期間,就會被電影導演給青睞作為配樂!!
像是1997年由梅爾吉勃遜、茱莉亞羅勃茲主演的"絕命大反擊"電影(Conspiracy Theory),片尾男主角坐在車內哼著的,就是這首老歌(可是不是原唱版本)
最後想補充的是,應該你也不會想到的是,這位原唱Frankie Valli,還有一首久久傳唱不絕的好歌---My Eyes Adores You不但是當年(1974年)冠軍歌曲,也是當初我們年輕時刻地下舞廳慢歌播放的首選情歌之一哦!!
原唱Frankie Valli在歌唱節目的演唱影音版本..
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay
And let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay..
是 Frankie Valli(The Four Seasons合唱團主唱,Sherry、Big Girl Don't Cry、Stay、Why Do Fool Fall In Love...)最暢銷的單曲之一,該曲曾經獲得1967年這首歌獲得Billboard熱門單曲亞軍.
反倒是在1978年"越戰獵鹿人"(The Deer Hunter)收錄在其電影原聲帶以後,似乎每隔一段期間,就會被電影導演給青睞作為配樂!!
像是1997年由梅爾吉勃遜、茱莉亞羅勃茲主演的"絕命大反擊"電影(Conspiracy Theory),片尾男主角坐在車內哼著的,就是這首老歌(可是不是原唱版本)
最後想補充的是,應該你也不會想到的是,這位原唱Frankie Valli,還有一首久久傳唱不絕的好歌---My Eyes Adores You不但是當年(1974年)冠軍歌曲,也是當初我們年輕時刻地下舞廳慢歌播放的首選情歌之一哦!!
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2013-11-23 14:46:46 補充